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vendredi 27 septembre 2019

Design of open pit mining

Many factors govern the size and shape of an open pit.
These must be properly understood and used in the planning of any open pit operation.
The following are the key items affecting the pit design:
1) Topography,
2) Geology,
3) Grade,
4) Localization of the mineralization,
5) Extent of the deposit,
6) Property boundaries,
7) Production rates,
8) Road grades,
9) Mining costs,
10) Processing costs,
11) Metal recovery,
12) Marketing considerations,
13) Bench height,
14) Pit slopes,
15) Cutoff grade,
16) Strip Ratios (SR)
source: Prof. Dr. H.Z. Harraz


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vendredi 20 septembre 2019

Floating Cone Algorithm with A concrete mining example

Economic factors such as costs and expected revenues, which vary with grade and block location, are then applied; the result is an economic block model. Some of the blocks in the model will eventually fall within the pit, but others will lie outside. Of the several techniques for determining which of the blocks should be included in the final pit, the most common is the floating cone technique. In two dimensions the removal of a given ore block would require the removal of a set of overlying blocks as well. All of these would be included in an inverted triangle with its sides corresponding to the slope angle, its base lying on the surface, and its apex located in the ore block under consideration. In an actual three-dimensional case, this triangle would be a cone. The economic value of the ore block at the apex of the cone would be compared with the total cost of removing all of the blocks included in the cone. If the net value proved positive, then the cone would be mined. This technique would be applied to all of the blocks making up the block model, and at the end of this process a final pit outline would result.

In this poste  we diccover Floating Cone Algorthm in Article 1, and we take A concrete mining example in Article 2

vendredi 13 septembre 2019

Top Soil Technical Project

From  (Technische Universiteit Delft)

As an owner of a contracting company, a proposal offer has to be made which gives the best most profitable price per bank cubic meter for a pre-stripping mining operation.
First,  the total volume that has to be excavated is calculated. Then, a plan has to be designed in what order the mine is excavated. Dumping sites and access roads influence the strategy in which the mine is going to be excavated. After this is done, different scenarios using different machinery are designed. Using these scenarios, different costs calculations can be made and a price per bank cubic meter can be offered. With this price, a conclusion can be made on what the best scenario for this project is and therefore the most profitable for the contracting company.

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Table of contents

i. Introduction
ii. Methods
iii. Results
iv. Conlusion
v. Appendix

mardi 10 septembre 2019

Pillar Design

The Safety Factor (SF) is the pillar strength divided by the pillar load.
Safety Factor = Pillar Strength / Pillar Load


Pillar Strength – is a function of both a size effect and a shape effect.
1. Size Effect
2. Shape Effect
Size Effect – The average strength decreases as specimen size increases. ....

Mine planning and design (Yangon Technological University)

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